Sunday, 28 August 2011

Cyborgs! And other strange creatures...

I recently jumped on the Harry Potter band wagon and spent 2 weeks watching all the films. And it was great! Especially the last 3. Its an amazing story set in a detailed immersive world. My only regret is that I didn't read all the books before watching the movies. I kind of hate that, if I ever read the books, I will never be able truely imagine my own Harry Potter world without being influenced by the visuals from the movie. I'll always think of Hermoine as sexy Emma Watson, and Valdamort as that wierd frog looking thing. Thats the best thing about books, you get to make up your own world. And I guess, those worlds are truely personal, and relate back to you in a lot of ways. But anyway, I should have just not been lazy and read the books

So I already had the idea to make Earth a really strange and alien place long before I watched HP. But I feel I wanna push that concept further and make it a big part of SE. This should give it that fantasy/otherworldy element that I think stories like HP really nail.

The strange creatures that inhabit earth were not sent from another planet or anything like that. They were created by humans. Some were designed to replace dying breeds of animals that were failing to adjust to their rapidly changing enviroment. And some, were just designed by hobbie enthusiests. System Earth takes place in a time where science and technology rule the world. Its now possible for just about anyone to toy with the make up of living forms. And along with the many engineered animals the System developed to restore a stable ecosystem, there are thousands of creatures roaming the globe. Some beautiful, some terrifying and even some that are more robot than animal.

Other strange creatures that roam the wilderness are A.I beings. They are literally programmed for survival. And because of this artifical instinct, they do exactly that. Survival for them is'nt about eating and breeding. Their main focus is maintaining their functionality. Though some do actually breed. These creatures usually create 'nests' in areas with access to a lot of electicity.

Like an eagle hunting a mouse, this bionic preditor has scooped up a scavenging victim to be pulled apart and attached to its abomination of a body. This pic shows the result of technology mixing with nature. Both of these artificial intelligent creatures collect mechanical parts - robotic and biological and attach it to themselves. Because they are programmed with the natural animal instinct to become a dominant creature for survival, they hunt other cyborgs for their parts to become massive, deadly killers.

This wild A.I, uses it's surroundings to protect its inner components...